Upcoming Events

  • Sep, 14: 10.00 am NA meeting

  • Sep, 14: 10.00 am Open Monumenten Dag

  • Sep, 15: 10.30am Choral Holy Communion (with Live-Stream) With Prayers for Wholeness and Healing

  • Sep, 17: 7.00 pm Alpha Course

  • Sep, 18: 7:30 pm AA Regular Meeting

Latest News

Church and tea-room open on Open Monumentendag

On Saturday 14 September and Sunday 15 September, Open Monumentendag takes place. This is a day when many monuments in The Netherlands can be visited which are usually not accessible to the public. This year Holy Trinity is taking part again, but only on Saturday 14 September; the church will be open from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm. Perhaps just as important, you can enjoy homemade cakes and tea or coffee in our tea-room. Once…

Alpha Course

We’re excited to announce a new Alpha course starting on 17th September, running every Tuesday through the autumn at Parsonage Hall, next to the[...]

Choral Evensong

Sunday 8 September at 5.00 pm, Choral Evensong will be sung at Holy Trinity once more. This September service puts the music of Charles[...]