From coming Sunday 27 February, we are relaxing most of our Covid measures:
- No seat booking required anymore, everybody is welcome
- No face masks required but feel free to use one for your own protection
- No social distancing (1,5 m) required and there will be no limitations as to the number of people at the alter rail
- Communion is in two kinds. However, please note that no one should feel pressured or obliged to receive the wine. Should you not (yet) want to share the common cup, you are free to stay in your pew, to receive the blessing or to receive communion in one kind only. It is the Church’s teaching that the sacrament is received fully in the consecrated bread alone. Please refrain from intinction (i.e., dipping of the bread in the cup) until further notice.
- We continue to stream our services online and to offer the possibility to follow the service in the Personage
We will continue to offer the following services:
Every 1st Sunday of the month 10.30 am All Age Worship (in English) led by our Worship Band
Every 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 10.30am Sung or Choral Communion (in English)
On the 5th Sunday of each month, we have a Solemn Choral Communion at 10.30 am (traditional language and incense)
2nd Sunday of the month 5.00 pm Choral Evensong (not in March 2022 or in the months of July and August of each year)
3rd Sunday of the month 5.00 pm Prayer and Praise, led by our Worship Band
The 2nd & 4th Sundays 9am Sung Communion (in Dutch) are still not being held until further notice