Posts from October 2017

Nazareth Abbey Weekend

Three HTC-ers at the Nazareth Abbey weekend, August 2017  The three of us – Danielle, Madeleine and Nicky – set off on the Friday the 18th of August. Madeleine, our trusty chauffeur, drove us to the Nazareth Abbey, Brecht in Belgium, 30 km south of Breda. This Abbey is home to now only 30 nuns, mostly elderly, both Cistercian and Trappist in origin. These days the sisters are occupied mostly with the making of robes,…

Visit to Albania

From Thursday 14th to Monday 18th September, Revd Grant and Peter Gillies visited an overseas mission link which All Saints has formed. This link is with a church planting network called Illyricum Movement – – which is an Albanian established and run organisation. This organisation has planted three churches – called ‘Ekklesia, Disciple, Sun Hill’ – to date, with a fourth church plant planned for next summer. It is led by a man called…

18 november concert Gospelgroep Vision  Voor degenen die ons nog niet kennen: wij zijn Gospelgroep Vision uit Hilversum. Wij oefenen elke woensdagavond in de Emmauskerk van 19.30-22.00 uur. Wij verlenen onze medewerking aan kerkdiensten in de Emmauskerk. Daarnaast treden we ook nog op in andere kerken en verzorgingshuizen in Hilversum en omgeving. We vinden het een uitdaging om eens in de drie jaar een wat groter project neer te zetten . En nu, na maanden…

Ella’s “Songs of Praise” Anniversary revisited

On Sunday October 15th, our long singing alto Ella was honoured for her contribution to worship at Holy Trinity church over the past 60 years. In recognition of the gift of her voice, and indeed her achievement in being ever present during those years, she was presented with  a hand-made brooch and a few well chosen words from the Choir master, Henk Korff. This on behalf of the church and congregation. We hope that Ella’s…

Symposium on October 27th

“Tolerance and permissiveness in a historical context” This contribution was written by Hans Baars Friday October 27 we* are organizing a symposium with this title. In this year of remembering what’s called “the Reformation”, the KKU guides of the St James church and the St James protestants parish take the opportunity to learn lessons from some very special developments in religion, which took place around 1580. The last priest of the St James parish Huibert Duifhuis…

The Mystical dimension of the Liturgy

On Friday October 13, the Christian Classics Study Group will explore the mystical dimension of the liturgy. We will look at questions such as, What is the deeper meaning of that which is celebrated in the liturgy? How does the liturgy symbolise and deepen our inner relationship with God? Starting point for our discussion will be selected texts from late medieval mystics of the Low Countries which address the relationship between the liturgy of the Church…

Chaplain’s Letter: Looking Back and Going Forward

This months Chaplain’s Letter is written by the Reverend  Sam van Leer, Honorary Associate Chaplain for the congregation of Grace Church Groningen Last Sunday after worship, I had a chat with one of our members of Grace Church about his hobby: rowing. He loves it not just because it keeps him physically fit, but because of the spiritual replenishment it gives him. It provides him active but quiet time to meditate and reflect on life and its meaning.…

Faith Thoughts: Accessing the Promises of God

Faith Thoughts are sent in by Dr Elisabeth Leembruggen from Holy Trinity Utrecht. In Numbers 13, Moses sent Caleb & Joshua—and a leader from each ancestral tribe—to spy out the Promised Land. Two of the 12 returned with a glowing report; they came back with evidence that the promised land was indeed filled with milk, honey, and fruits in abundance. And they carried the evidence with them on poles for all to see. How then…