Posts from 2018 (Page 2)

Chaplain’s Letter: Harvest

September and October are the months when we celebrate Harvest Sunday across the chaplaincy. For example you’ll see from photos from All Saints Harvest last month. I always find it striking the range of images that are used in the hymns sung at Harvest . Sometimes the words are very close to agricultural ideas – such as ‘We plough the fields and scatter.” But other well loved hymns, merges these farming images with other biblical…

Chaplain’s Letter: With Angels and Archangels

“They overcame [Satan] by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” At this stage in Trinity season, we are being encouraged to lift our hearts and minds to the contemplation of God – that is, to a loving beholding of God. So it is most appropriate that we celebrate this Feast of St. Michael and All Angels on 29 September. Why?…

Children’s Choir is starting again!

Holy Trinity’s Children’s Choir is starting again after the holidays. Rehearsals will take place in the parsonage hall, Van Hogendorpstraat 26, beginning at 3:30 pm on Tuesday September 11. More voices would be very welcome to share in the enjoyment of singing and to give the small choir more body. So if your child is interested in singing, or you know of a child that might be, please contact Muriel Zwart at or (06) 51 28 77…

The Week Conference

  This article is by Brian Fink-Jensen, who leads the contemporary style music gospel band at Holy Trinity Church in Utrecht on the first Sunday of the month at 10:30am  and on the third Saturday of the month at the 7:30pm Evening Prayer and Praise services. Dear brothers and sisters, From the 24th until the 28th of June I have had the pleasure of visiting a conference called “The Week” in Birmingham. This is a…

Mofish Concert

On 18th of August, Mofish will be performing their annual concert. This year it will be a memorial concert in honour of the Reverend John de Wit, the former minister at Holy Trinity church, who passed away this June. Mofish will be playing all sorts of music: folk, bluegrass, rock, blues, gospel and more. Come and enjoy! Admission is free, freewill giving. Proceeds will go to John’s favourite charity, HART. For more information on HART,…

Concert “ChoRuss” August 4th

On Saturday 4th August the Russian vocal ensemble “ChoRuss”will be visiting Holy Trinity Church. We are fortunate to have them here to sing a beautiful selection of Russian Orthodox music and folk songs. The concert starts at 7:30pm, doors open at  7:00 pm. The concert lasts approximately one and a half hours, including a break. Admission free, donations are welcome.

John de Wit RIP

Dear Friends in Christ, It is with great sadness that I inform you that John de Wit died peacefully on the morning of Sunday 17th June, only a few weeks after learning he had cancer. John is remembered with much fondness and gratitude for all that he gave so freely and generously to our church and to the Archdeaconry during his time as chaplain at Holy Trinity Utrecht from 2005 to 2012.  In particular our prayers and thoughts go out at this time to Pam. John’s funeral will…

Charitable giving in July

This month Charitable Giving focuses on the Mission to Seafarers in Rotterdam and Vlissingen and the Kigama School Feeding Program in Kenya.   No matter what problem a seafarer is facing, be it injury, abandonment, non-payment of wages or personal difficulties, they know they can turn to the local Mission for help, advice and support. Chaplains and volunteers offer practical and financial support, advocacy services, family liaison or simply a space to talk in a…

Book review

This review was written by Annemarie Huijink of the Utrecht congregation In search of deep faith In Jim Belcher’s book ‘In Search of Deep Faith’ we can read a story with two sides. On the one hand it is a story about a pilgrimage through Europe visiting the places and people that most influenced the Christian faith in Europe. On the other hand this is a story about a family with four young children and…

Chaplains’ AGM Addresses

This month, in place of the Chaplain’s Letter, we have the addresses that the chaplains gave at the AGM. This means that this page is very long. We start with the report on Groningen and then continue with Amersfoort, followed by Zwolle and ending with Utrecht. Chaplain’s Report on Groningen for Chaplaincy Annual Meeting 2018 The Reverend Sam Van Leer  ‘There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.’ (Ecclesiastes…