Posts from 2018 (Page 5)

Quiet day St Boniface, Saturday 17th February

A message from St Boniface Antwerp Just like previous years, St Boniface in Antwerpen has been able to organise an inspiring quiet day at the start of lent, 2018. The day, entitled “Slow Burn, Bright Flame, Evangelism the Carmelite Way, a lent journey with St Teresa of Avila” will be led by Bishop Norman Banks, Bishop of Richborough and Assistant bishop of the Diocese in Europe. It’s always good to welcome as many as possible to join…

Playgroup has started again

There will be no Playgroup on Friday 23rd February and 2nd March because of the School Holidays! From February onwards, Playgroup is back. Each Friday from  10:00 am to 11:30 am during school term. It takes place in the parsonage of Holy Trinity Anglican Church Utrecht, at Van Hogendorpstraat 26. All parents or carers with children aged 0-5 are welcome for indoor and outdoor play, singing and  story telling.

Christian Classics Friday 9 February – The Heidelberg Catechism

The Heidelberg Catechism (1563) is a well-known Protestant confession of faith.  It is one of the many catechisms in the form of questions and answers that were written in the 16th century and without doubt the most famous one in the Dutch Reformed Context.  Despite the caricatures that have been made of it, it is still an astonishing rich theological document.  Given its strong association with the Reformed tradition, it may be a surprise that it…

Hope for the New Year!

Excerpt from Joseph Pieper from Faith, Hope, Love trans. Sister Mary Francis McCarthy 1997 Ignatius Press, San Francisco (Chapter II pp. 110-111) …Natural hope blossoms with the strength of youth and withers when youth withers. “Youth is a cause of hope. For youth, the future is long and the past is short.” On the other hand, it is above all when life grows short that hope grows weary; the “not yet” is turned into the…

Confirmation Preparation begins 18 January!

Our next Confirmation will happen, God willing, in Holy Trinity Chaplaincy at 15.30 on Saturday 10th March AD 2018 at Heilig Kruiskerk, Liendertseweg 46, 3814 PL Amersfoort. Please contact the Chaplain if you or your son or daughter are interested in being prepared for Confirmation. In Confirmation Preparation we look through the Catechism in the Book of Common Prayer. Preparation for 2018 will happen on the following topics on the following days at 8pm (normally on Wednesdays but…


This contribution was written by Ineke Cornet, Safeguarding officer  In the November newsletter, I explained that safeguarding is about protecting minors, young adults, and vulnerable adults from a range of forms of abuse. The Church of England wants to do all it can do to provide a safe environment in the Church for everyone. All abuse is a betrayal of trust and a misuse of authority and power. In this article, I intend to explain…

Loving Commands

This contribution was written by dr. Elisabeth Leembruggen The 37th Psalm identifies how stress can affect our body, mind and spirit. We know that stress and mental fatigue has long-term implication for our health. “Over time, continued strain on [the] body from routine stress may contribute to serious health problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other illnesses, as well as mental disorders like depression or anxiety” (NIH). Mental health literature is…