Posts from January 2020

Christian Classics: Sharing the Good News!

Next week Friday, January 31st, the first Christian Classics Study Group of the year will take place. We will be looking at the role of translation in our Church life. Translation is at the heart of all missionary work.  Dr Joseph had a Fulbright Fellowship to study what happens to the Bible and to the language when it is translated for the first time into a new language, in this case, Wolof, a language of…

First Choral Evensong of the New Year

After our All Age worship on the Eve of Epiphany, this Sunday sees the first Choral Evensong of the new decade take place at 2.30 pm. There is also the opportunity to taste the first home-made cakes of this year along with a taste of the fellowship on offer from our congregation. If Choral Evensong is not an occasion for you, there are two other services this Sunday: the nine o’ clock service in Dutch…