Posts from March 2020

Daily Meditations on Old and New Testament readings

As part of our ministry to stay connected during this corona virus pandemic and to grow as disciples of Jesus, we have begun to offer daily meditations on the Old and New Testament readings from Morning prayer. You will find the meditations BY CLICKING HERE. Daleen Bakker, has offered to give us daily mediations on the Gospel according to John. She has training in theology and is currently studying agriculture. Daleen has recently returned to…

Charitable giving in April

The two charities we support this month are Tikani Peru  and  the Kigama School Feeding Program. The recent photographs of the work of Tikani are courtesy of Debby van Rotterdam. Tikani is a Peruvian development organization specializing in social development projects aimed at the weakest in society. Debby van Rotterdam’s brother resides there and bears witness to the effectiveness of this organization. Corona virus has also hit this area and, as you can see, Tikani are…

Response to Corona Virus at HTC

Bishop Robert Innes has released a video message to the Diocese (Friday March 20) which you can see by clicking here… The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have issued a joint response to Church of England clergy, the latest on 24 March 2020. They have called for the temporary suspension of all public worship and private worship in churches until further notice. Our Bishops in the Diocese in Europe are commending these steps and asking…

Chaplain’s letter

This Chaplain’s letter is written by the Rev. Grant Crowe, Amersfoort chaplain. The focus for this chaplain’s letter I’d like to make, is upon the Persecuted Christians in our One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church. As Lent draws to a close in the days of Holy Week, we hear Jesus say to his followers, on the Mount of Olives. ‘’…you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death.’’ (Matthew 24:9). The persecution of his followers…

Lent & Charitable Giving

Lent started on Ash Wednesday with a service of Holy Communion with imposition of ashes. A season of preparation and penitence is upon us, a time to attempt to be more attentive to hear the voice of God inwardly and to be more ready to obey. As we head towards the second Sunday in Lent, we would like to let you know a little more about our charitable giving during this time. Bishop Robert’s Lent…