Posts from December 2021

Nine lessons and Carols in Zwolle and Utrecht

Holy Trinity Utrecht Live-streamed a Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols on 19 December.  The music included carols by John Rutter, Emma Brown and Malcom Archer.  Sadly you could not join us in the church, but you could and can join us online from the comfort of your home. Unfortunately, the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols at Anglican Church Zwolle was cancelled the day before it took place, due to the new Covid measures.

ONLINE Bible Study this evening

Today (Wednesday) in the evening there will be the opportunity to meet online for study and discussion on: “The Kingdom of God” Fr.Tony will lead the evening, we will start at 19:45  Topic: Bible Study Kingdom of God Time: Dec 15, 2021 07:45 PM Amsterdam If you are interested, please contact the office for more information.

Prayer and Praise

This Sunday, the third in Advent, at the earlier time of 3.30 pm, our December service of Evening Prayer and Praise takes place. This is a more contemporary service, with music played by our Worship Band. The band will be playing a combination of well known Christmas carols, played and sung in a more modern way, and a few Christmas themed worship songs. Come and join us! You can book a place here. The earlier…