Posts from 2024

Christmas Services

As we fast approach the Christmas season, it is time to let you know that there will be services at Holy Trinity over the first three days.Below you can see the services listed on a poster. All services are in English, with the exception of the service on Boxing Day (Dutch) and the crib service, which is in both languages. Join us!

Nine Lessons and Carols

This year our Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols will be on 22 December at 7.00 pm. This year the choir of Holy Trinity will be joined by members of the choir of Anglican Church Zwolle for the Festival. And vice versa: The service in Zwolle will be on 15 December at 5.00 pm. The music you will hear this year will include works by John Rutter, Will Todd, Emma Brown and Carl Rütti, as…


Advent has started, and we look forward to the birth of Jesus at Christmas. As in previous years, you can Follow the Star through the season, with daily reflections to help you. For more information, go to the Church of England website here. You can also find an online Advent Calendar. Each day you can open a family activity by clicking on the date. To go to the Advent Calendar: click here. And of course…

Remembrance Sunday

On Remembrance Sunday (10 November) we have two services: Choral Holy Communion at 10.30 am in the morning, and Choral Evensong at 5.00 pm in the afternoon. The music for Choral Evensong will include pieces by Stanford, Smith, Stainer and Irving.All are very welcome to join us for one or both of these services.

All Saints and All Souls

Coming Friday is All Saints and you can join us at Holy Trinity in the morning for a Dutch language celebration at 10.00 am.The English language service for All Saints has been transferred to our usual 10.30 am Sunday service, in this case an All Age Holy Communion. On Saturday evening at 8.00 pm we have a service of Choral Holy Communion for All Souls, which includes the Commemoration of the Faithful Departed. Friday 1…

Choral Evensong

Sunday 13 October at 5.00 pm, we will enjoy a service of Choral Evensong. A service that is always worth joining, as you can sing hymns, but can mainly listen to, and perhaps be lifted by the worshipful music. Feel free to join us! The music list: Introit: Lord for thy tender mercy’s sake (Tarrant)Opening Hymn: 570 Sing to the Lord a joyful songPreces and Responses (Radcliffe)Psalm 127 (Goss)Office hymn: 469 I heard the voice…

Alpha Course

We’re excited to announce a new Alpha course starting on this Tuesday 17th September, running every Tuesday through the autumn at Parsonage Hall, next to the church. Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith, designed for anyone curious about life, faith, and meaning. Each evening begins at 7pm with a meal, followed by a short film and open discussion. It’s a welcoming space for everyone, regardless of your faith experience or background,…

Church and tea-room open on Open Monumentendag

On Saturday 14 September and Sunday 15 September, Open Monumentendag takes place. This is a day when many monuments in The Netherlands can be visited which are usually not accessible to the public. This year Holy Trinity is taking part again, but only on Saturday 14 September; the church will be open from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm. Perhaps just as important, you can enjoy homemade cakes and tea or coffee in our tea-room. Once…

Choral Evensong

Sunday 8 September at 5.00 pm, Choral Evensong will be sung at Holy Trinity once more. This September service puts the music of Charles Villiers Stanford centre stage; this year is the 100th anniversary of his death. All music will be from his hand, including the Jubilate and Purest and Highest (Introit). The full list: Introit: Purest and HighestOpening Hymn: When in our music, God is glorifiedStanford ResponsesPsalm 138Office hymn: O for a closer walk…