Posts from February 2024

Ash Wednesday

Tomorrow, Wednesday 14 February, Lent begins with a service of Choral Holy Communion for Ash Wednesday.This will include the Imposition of Ashes.Everyone is welcome to join us to mark the beginning of Lent. Daily Reflections for Lent will be available from the Church of England; you can find out more by visiting the Church of England website.

Annual General Meeting & Forms

Our AGM takes place in the church on Sunday 14 April at 12.30pm. We’ll review our past year, receive reports on church life, approve the accounts and agree the budget, then look to the year ahead, by electing or appointing those to take up various leadership roles. We also pass any specific resolutions to enhance our faith life and running the church. It’s an important stage in our church life for a successful year to come. Sheila will…

First Choral Evensong of the year

Having missed January, we have our first Choral Evensong of the year. Let yourself be inspired by joining us this Sunday 11 February at 5.00 pm. The music: Introit: From the rising of the sun(Outer) Opening Hymn: O strength and stay upholding all creation Psalm 2 Preces/responses: John Reading Office Hymn: May the mind of Christ my Saviour Canticles: Basil Harwood Anthem: O thou the central orb (Charles Wood) Closing Hymn: Dear Lord and Father…

All Age Worship

This Sunday is the second Sunday before Lent and we celebrate this with All Age Holy Communion. Join us for worship led by Ruan and supported by our Worship band. Songs will include Way Maker, Speak O Lord and Tell out my soul. After the service we will enjoy a Bring & Share lunch. All are welcome!