Posts from 2024 (Page 2)

Newcomers’ Lunch 8 September

Are you new to Holy Trinity Utrecht?  Do you feel like you don’t know many people yet?  Then you are warmly invited to the Newcomers’ Lunch, at the home of the Crew Family, upstairs in the Parsonage.  This will be a relaxing way to get to know each other a bit better and find out more about the church.  No strings attached, just an informal meal to meet others who are in the ‘same boat’.  After the…

Garden Party – with sing along Choral Evensong

On Sunday 9 June Holy Trinity will hold a Garden Party for our 111th birthday. You can join in various workshops, such as Painting and Balfolk Dance, and there are many activities for children, including a Treasure Hunt.And do not worry, there will be plenty of refreshments and fortifying food, and a chance to indulge in one or more of the many cakes.You can find a list of all the activities in the image below.…

Appeltaart Concert

The second Appeltaartconcert at Holy Trinity takes place this week, on Thursday 16th May at 10.30 in the morning. During this Appeltaart concert Rosina Fabius (mezzo-soprano), Lauretta Bloomer (piano), Prunella Pacey (alto violin) en Michiel Holtrop (alto violin) will play the most beautiful  British music for singers, piano and alto violin. For more information and tickets visit

Ascension Day

We celebrate Ascension Day with Choral Holy Communion, starting at 10.00 am (!), a slightly different time to our Sunday morning services.Hymns will include Hail the day that sees him rise and Crown him with many crowns, and the service music is by Patrick Hopper.

Praise & Prayer

At our next Praise and Prayer we are going to sing some amazing songs.You can find them on the following Spotify playlist (click the link). And we are also going to do something very important: pray for the children and the teenagers in our church. Please come and join in our prayer, especially if you are involved in the creche, Sunday school or the teen activities. But of course anyone is welcome! We will meet in the…

Holy Week and Easter

Looking ahead to Holy Week and Easter, the services you can join are listed in the image below.You are most welcome to join us for worship at this special time. For the online Evening Prayer on the Monday to Wednesday of Holy Week, please contact the office for more information.

Ash Wednesday

Tomorrow, Wednesday 14 February, Lent begins with a service of Choral Holy Communion for Ash Wednesday.This will include the Imposition of Ashes.Everyone is welcome to join us to mark the beginning of Lent. Daily Reflections for Lent will be available from the Church of England; you can find out more by visiting the Church of England website.

Annual General Meeting & Forms

Our AGM takes place in the church on Sunday 14 April at 12.30pm. We’ll review our past year, receive reports on church life, approve the accounts and agree the budget, then look to the year ahead, by electing or appointing those to take up various leadership roles. We also pass any specific resolutions to enhance our faith life and running the church. It’s an important stage in our church life for a successful year to come. Sheila will…

First Choral Evensong of the year

Having missed January, we have our first Choral Evensong of the year. Let yourself be inspired by joining us this Sunday 11 February at 5.00 pm. The music: Introit: From the rising of the sun(Outer) Opening Hymn: O strength and stay upholding all creation Psalm 2 Preces/responses: John Reading Office Hymn: May the mind of Christ my Saviour Canticles: Basil Harwood Anthem: O thou the central orb (Charles Wood) Closing Hymn: Dear Lord and Father…

All Age Worship

This Sunday is the second Sunday before Lent and we celebrate this with All Age Holy Communion. Join us for worship led by Ruan and supported by our Worship band. Songs will include Way Maker, Speak O Lord and Tell out my soul. After the service we will enjoy a Bring & Share lunch. All are welcome!