Upcoming Events

  • Jan, 26: 10.30 am Solemn Eucharist (with Live-Stream)

  • Jan, 27: 19.30 Monday NA meeting

  • Jan, 28: 20.00 Dutch language Bible Study

  • Jan, 29: 19.30 AA Regular Meeting

  • Feb, 1: 10.00 Saturday NA meeting

Latest News

Change of service schedule

Following a period of prayer, consultation and discussion, the church council decided to adopt a new service pattern starting in February 2025. This will initially be for a trial period of four months and will involve two Sunday morning services in place of the single one we have had up to now.  The current 10.30 service will move to 11.00, with the choir leading our sung worship. Coffee will be available afterwards as always. A…

Christmas Services

As we fast approach the Christmas season, it is time to let you know that there will be services at Holy Trinity over the[...]