Annual General Meeting update with forms

Finally, the HTC Annual General Meeting!

Dear members of the Holy Trinity Electoral Roll

The Chaplaincy Council have made a unanimous decision that, because of the new restrictions made by the government on allowing meetings of 30 maximum, we will conduct the AGM by Zoom. This is now open to us due to changes made by our Bishop in the last week, where online meetings may take place. We hope that this will ensure the widest possible access for our members in otherwise restricted times.

The meeting can now make the changes we need in appointing Council members, Archdeaconry Synod Representatives and Churchwardens, together with approving the financial reports and any simple resolution.

You will receive a link to the Zoom meeting before the event, and we are grateful to Sandra Sue who will act as the host, a term that allows the meeting to be conducted in an orderly way. The meeting will take place at the same date and time as before:

Sunday 25 October at 5.30pm.

We realise that some members may have difficulty in accessing a digital meeting due to varying factors of health, equipment or lack of “Zoom” experience. We cannot solve everything but if you are concerned that you may not be able to join the meeting, please mail Sandra at She will try to make contact with someone local to you, who may be able to help and who will arrange something, if possible.

If you have not received copies of the Agenda and all the papers for the AGM attached, please contact me at the email address below. It is worth noting that all the financial and other reports, are for the year ended 31 December 2019, so may seem out of date. However, no matter how strange, that is what this delayed AGM is for; to approve last year’s business. We have included one general update to all the reports and the Treasurer has provided an update on how the year is going. One last request. If you are not going to attend the AGM and wish to give your apologies, please e-mail me by the Saturday evening at:

I hope that we all have a thoughtful and informative AGM and, whilst remote, will act in concert and friendship to deliver God’s purpose.

Simon Urquhart
Chaplaincy Council Secretary

Announcement of AGM
Announcement of election of Wardens

Important information:

Anyone on the Electoral Roll will be able to vote or stand for office.

At our AGM we will elect or appoint the following officers:

  • 2 Church Wardens until the next AGM
  • 6 Council Members until the next AGM·
  • 3 Archdeaconry Synod Representatives for 2020-2022 who will also be ex-officio members of Chaplaincy Council for that entire period.

A more detailed explanation of the roles can be found here, in our pre-covid post on the AGM.

At our AGM of 2019 a resolution was passed that all nominations for posts shall be received by the Secretary at least 8 days prior to the date of the AGM. We do this in order to create transparency on who is standing, making it possible for attendees of the AGM to make an informed and thoughtful decision at the meeting.