2022 Lent and Easter Appeal for Aid to Ukraine
Usually, I write to you several weeks before the start of Lent to introduce my Lent appeal. This Lent, however, we find ourselves in exceptional and grave circumstances with war in Ukraine. Working with our partners USPG, we have therefore taken some time to set up a special appeal fund for the crisis in Ukraine.
Our fund will be managed by USPG. The fund will be open to all who wish to give to it across the Church of England and beyond. Money raised in our diocesan 2022 appeal will go into this fund along with money given by other donors. Our intention this year is to raise a really significant sum that will make a difference in a situation of great need in Eastern Europe. To find out more about our partners at USPG you can visit the USPG Website
There are now over a million refugees in Europe and thousands of internally displaced in Ukraine. They have left everything behind to escape the conflict. Christian Charities and our Churches need our help as they support these people in all aspects of their lives.
This appeal will provide critical financial resources towards the urgent and immediate needs of people in Ukraine and those who have fled as well as supporting the long-term work of recovery in the country.
We are working with partners on the ground who are geared up to provide food, medicine, shelter, care for children and internally displaced people in Ukraine. With refugees they are supplying care at the border and beyond, including attention to those from Africa and Asia who, besides Ukrainians ,are fleeing the war
War is horrible. It injures, destroys and kills in an often indiscriminate and uncontrollable way. And now, we face war in Europe. The people of our little church, Christ Church Kyiv, find themselves in the midst of this crisis. They are typical of so many others. Some have fled the city whilst others are still there; praying for their safety and for peace as they shelter as best they can. These people are our brothers and sisters. Those still in Ukraine and those who have fled need our help.
This year, we are calling this a ‘Lent and Easter’ appeal. Partly that just reflects the timing. But more profoundly, we want to signal that our donations are a sign of hope. The Christian story ends not with crucifixion but with the hope of resurrection. However frightening and tragic the circumstances, we believe in a God who brings life out of death and who brings peace where there has been war. By giving to the people of Ukraine, we express our solidarity with them and we become part of the divine plan which everywhere and always intends justice and peace.
Please give what you can now to support the people of Ukraine. Donations can, as always, be given to the Diocese via your chaplaincy treasurer with the note ‘Bishop’s Lent Appeal’.
With my sincere prayers for peace in all our hearts and peace in the world for which Christ died,
Yours in Christ,

+Robert Gibraltar in Europe