Chaplaincy News (Page 2)

Attending services in person

From this Sunday, 30 January, you can once again attend our services in person. In order to do so, you need to book a seat. Click the red banner in the top right-hand corner of our homepage for our bookings page. You will need to make an account, if you do not already have one, so that you are able to cancel if that becomes necessary. The booking page for this Sunday’s Solemn Choral Communion…

Last Service

Last Sunday David Phillips led us in worship for the final time at Holy Trinity Church.Afterwards we held a well-attended farewell party in the parsonage garden. A song was sung, speeches were made, gifts were given and a variety of cake was eaten. Below are a few photographs of the afternoon.

Annual General Meeting 2021

The Annual Chaplaincy Meeting will be held at Holy Trinity Church at 14.00hrs on Sunday 21 March 2021 This ACM will be held by Zoom For election of Chaplaincy Representatives of the laity as follows – To the Chaplaincy Council 8 representatives. For membership of the Charitable Giving Committee 4 members For the appointment of the Independent Examiners. For the consideration of: (a) a report on changes to the Electoral Roll since the last annual Chaplaincy…

Electoral Positions

Every year each chaplaincy has elections for wardens and for members of Council. To be able to stand in the elections for a warden or a member of Council, you need to have been on the Electoral Roll for at least six months, and you need to be nominated by two people. The nomination forms can be obtained at our churches, ask the stewards or wardens. The form has a place for the signatures of…

A supported Charity update

Here are a number of photos from Priya Mobach showing how (with the assistance of funds donated to charitable giving) she has organised another charity project in Sri Lanka on November 7th. With the help of extended family living locally she identified 25 very poor families with kids and delivered enough groceries to keep them going for 2-4 weeks. She was able to follow the distribution on facetime and hence get pictures. She wishes to…

Annual General Meeting update with forms

Finally, the HTC Annual General Meeting! Dear members of the Holy Trinity Electoral Roll The Chaplaincy Council have made a unanimous decision that, because of the new restrictions made by the government on allowing meetings of 30 maximum, we will conduct the AGM by Zoom. This is now open to us due to changes made by our Bishop in the last week, where online meetings may take place. We hope that this will ensure the…


 The Chaplaincy Electoral Roll was renewed in 2019 so this year only new members need to fill in forms. All church members are allowed to vote at the Annual Church Meeting, offer themselves for election to Council or various formal committees or as an officer, such as Churchwarden.  It is also important for the Chaplaincy that we have accurate information. The number of members on the Electoral Roll influences the size of our Council, the…

New Choir director

After a two-month selection process, we believe the right person has been found to lead our choir and church music into the future: Mr Freek Elbers has been appointed Choir Director and Organist at Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Utrecht. Freek began with choir rehearsals at Holy Trinity last week and we hope that he and the choir will be able to provide recordings for our Sunday worship.  We look forward to the day when…