
February Choral EVensong

Our first Choral Evensong of the year includes Canticles by Walmisley and an anthem by Wesley. Join us for this beautiful traditional service, which is still gaining in popularity in The Netherlands. 17.00 Sunday 9 February Full music programme: Introit: Let thy merciful ears, O Lord (Mudd)Responses: Sanders in APsalm 2 (Elbers)Canticles: Walmisley in DAnthem: Ascribe unto the Lord (Wesley)Hymns:618 When in our music, God is glorified521 May the mind of Christ my saviour626 Ye holy…

Change of service schedule

Following a period of prayer, consultation and discussion, the church council decided to adopt a new service pattern starting in February 2025. This will initially be for a trial period of four months and will involve two Sunday morning services in place of the single one we have had up to now.  The current 10.30 service will move to 11.00, with the choir leading our sung worship. Coffee will be available afterwards as always. A…

Shared service in St Gertrudis 19 January

As part of the week of prayer for Christian unity, we will not be holding a service at Holy Trinity, but instead are joining with our brothers and sisters from the Old Catholic parish in Utrecht for a shared service of Holy Communion. This will take place at the Gertrudiskathedraal, Willemsplantsoen 2 in Utrecht. As Anglicans we are formally in communion with the Old Catholic Church. In practice this means that members of one tradition can participate…

Remembrance Sunday

On Remembrance Sunday (10 November) we have two services: Choral Holy Communion at 10.30 am in the morning, and Choral Evensong at 5.00 pm in the afternoon. The music for Choral Evensong will include pieces by Stanford, Smith, Stainer and Irving.All are very welcome to join us for one or both of these services.

All Saints and All Souls

Coming Friday is All Saints and you can join us at Holy Trinity in the morning for a Dutch language celebration at 10.00 am.The English language service for All Saints has been transferred to our usual 10.30 am Sunday service, in this case an All Age Holy Communion. On Saturday evening at 8.00 pm we have a service of Choral Holy Communion for All Souls, which includes the Commemoration of the Faithful Departed. Friday 1…

Choral Evensong

Sunday 13 October at 5.00 pm, we will enjoy a service of Choral Evensong. A service that is always worth joining, as you can sing hymns, but can mainly listen to, and perhaps be lifted by the worshipful music. Feel free to join us! The music list: Introit: Lord for thy tender mercy’s sake (Tarrant)Opening Hymn: 570 Sing to the Lord a joyful songPreces and Responses (Radcliffe)Psalm 127 (Goss)Office hymn: 469 I heard the voice…

Choral Evensong

Sunday 8 September at 5.00 pm, Choral Evensong will be sung at Holy Trinity once more. This September service puts the music of Charles Villiers Stanford centre stage; this year is the 100th anniversary of his death. All music will be from his hand, including the Jubilate and Purest and Highest (Introit). The full list: Introit: Purest and HighestOpening Hymn: When in our music, God is glorifiedStanford ResponsesPsalm 138Office hymn: O for a closer walk…

Garden Party – with sing along Choral Evensong

On Sunday 9 June Holy Trinity will hold a Garden Party for our 111th birthday. You can join in various workshops, such as Painting and Balfolk Dance, and there are many activities for children, including a Treasure Hunt.And do not worry, there will be plenty of refreshments and fortifying food, and a chance to indulge in one or more of the many cakes.You can find a list of all the activities in the image below.…

Ascension Day

We celebrate Ascension Day with Choral Holy Communion, starting at 10.00 am (!), a slightly different time to our Sunday morning services.Hymns will include Hail the day that sees him rise and Crown him with many crowns, and the service music is by Patrick Hopper.

Praise & Prayer

At our next Praise and Prayer we are going to sing some amazing songs.You can find them on the following Spotify playlist (click the link). And we are also going to do something very important: pray for the children and the teenagers in our church. Please come and join in our prayer, especially if you are involved in the creche, Sunday school or the teen activities. But of course anyone is welcome! We will meet in the…