Services (Page 3)

Harvest Sunday this weekend

Our service of All Age Holy Communion this weekend celebrates the harvest. Join us for worship with songs by our Worship Band, followed by a Bring-and-share lunch. And this might well take place in the garden, our oasis of peace in the busy city of Utrecht.

Praise and Prayer moves to midweek

Next Wednesday, 20 September at 8.00 pm we have our monthly service of Praise and Prayer. This has moved from the third Sunday of each month so as to offer midweek worship as opposed to solely on Sundays. Join us for praise, prayer, engagement with the Word and worship in music by our Worship Band.

Praise and Prayer this Sunday

Join us for the June service of Praise & Prayer! The theme for the service is: God in the silence.  Come, to seek God and meet with Him.  The discussion will be about how we can meet God in the silence, both individually and as a church.  After the service there is a gezellig pot luck dinner.  Sunday 11 June 5.00 pm

110 years Celebrations

This Saturday and Trinity Sunday, we are celebrating 110 years of our church. Since 1913 there services have been held at Holy Trinity, with the exception of the years of occupation during the war. And today, in the 21st Century, we are thriving congregation, with weekly services of Holy Communion, and monthly services, such as Choral Evensong and Praise and Prayer.Saturday we will have a Garden Party with activities for adults and children, food (including…

Ascension Day and coming Sunday

Thursday: Ascension Day Thursday at 10.30 am we have a service of Choral Holy Communion for Ascension Day. Join us as we celebrate the ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ. Sunday On Sunday we will have a service of Choral Holy Communion with Prayers for Healing and Wholeness. It starts at 10.30 am.There is one important point: there is a marathon being held in Utrecht this Sunday, which means that there will be road closures.…

Easter services

All our services are listed below in the image. The Easter Eve Vigil and the Easter Day Choral Holy Communion will be live-streamed. Check the embedded youtube link on our homepage or go to our youtube channel.

60 years of Anglican Church Zwolle

This year it will be sixty years ago that the Anglican Church in Zwolle, our sister church, was founded. We want to celebrate this joyous occasion and thank God with a musical service of Choral Evensong, followed by a shared meal. You are very welcome to celebrate with us!4.00 PM Sunday March 19 2023Lutheran ChurchKoestraat 2-4 in Zwolle. This is approximately an 11 minute walk from Zwolle station; if you come by car, there is…

All Age Worship

This Sunday join us for All Age Worship. Our Worship Band brings music into church as we are led in worship by our chaplain Ruan. The music will include songs by Keith & Kristyn Getty, Elly & Rikkert Zuiderveld, Dennis Jernigan and Brian Doerksen. After the service there is a Bring and Share lunch. All are welcome! If you cannot join us, but wish to follow the service at home, go back to our homepage…