Services (Page 5)

Choral Evensong 5.00 pm June 12

This coming Sunday, June 12, there will be a service of Choral Evensong at Holy Trinity church at 5 pm. The full choir will be singing, with the music directed by our Director of Music Freek Elbers and the service led by Reverend Derek Smith. Introit: O lux beata treintas (Emma Brown)Preces and Responses (John Sanders)Psalm 67 (Bairstow)Canticles: WalmisleyAnthem: If ye love me (Tallis) Hymns:202 Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!204 God by whose almighty plan418…

Covid measures to be relaxed

From coming Sunday 27 February, we are relaxing most of our Covid measures: No seat booking required anymore, everybody is welcome  No face masks required but feel free to use one for your own protection  No social distancing (1,5 m) required and there will be no limitations as to the number of people at the alter rail   Communion is in two kinds. However, please note that no one should feel pressured or obliged to receive the…

Prayer and Praise in February

This Sunday at 5.00 pm our February service of Evening Prayer and Praise takes place. Prayer and Praise is a contemporary service with contemporary music. We follow the student’s Bible readings; they are currently reading Acts 4 and 5.  There will be a talk by our Locum Priest Paul Farthing and the band will lead us in worship. Come and join us! You can book a place here. Prayer and Praise 5.00 pm Sunday 20 February

Midweek Holy Communion and Saturday Morning Prayer during February

Morning Prayer will be held at 9.00 am on the following Saturdays in February: 12, 19 and 26 February . A said Holy communion service will be held on Wednesday evenings at 7.00 pm starting February 9 and continuing February 16 and 23.  You are very welcome to join in. There is no need to book a seat for these services, as they will not be busy. Do use a facemark when moving around the church…

Nine lessons and Carols in Zwolle and Utrecht

Holy Trinity Utrecht Live-streamed a Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols on 19 December.  The music included carols by John Rutter, Emma Brown and Malcom Archer.  Sadly you could not join us in the church, but you could and can join us online from the comfort of your home. Unfortunately, the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols at Anglican Church Zwolle was cancelled the day before it took place, due to the new Covid measures.

Prayer and Praise

This Sunday, the third in Advent, at the earlier time of 3.30 pm, our December service of Evening Prayer and Praise takes place. This is a more contemporary service, with music played by our Worship Band. The band will be playing a combination of well known Christmas carols, played and sung in a more modern way, and a few Christmas themed worship songs. Come and join us! You can book a place here. The earlier…

Choral Evensong November

This coming Sunday, November 14, there will be a service of Choral Evensong at Holy Trinity church at 5 pm. The full choir will be singing, albeit distanced, led by Canon Derek Smith with the music directed by our Director of Music Freek Elbers. Introit: God be in my head (H. Walford Davies)Preces and Responses (Reading)Psalm 74Canticles: Brewer in DAnthem: Be thou my vision (Chilcott) Hymns:246 Christ the fair glory 450 God, we praise you, God we…

First Choral Evensong of the New Year

After our All Age worship on the Eve of Epiphany, this Sunday sees the first Choral Evensong of the new decade take place at 2.30 pm. There is also the opportunity to taste the first home-made cakes of this year along with a taste of the fellowship on offer from our congregation. If Choral Evensong is not an occasion for you, there are two other services this Sunday: the nine o’ clock service in Dutch…

Christmas Services

Services at Holy Trinity Utrecht: ( in English unless otherwise specified) Tuesday 24th December         CHRISTMAS EVE16:00 Crib Service for families (English/Dutch)23:00 Midnight Choral Communion (English) Wednesday 25th DecemberCHRISTMAS DAY10:30 Festal Choral Communion (English) Thursday 26th DecemberSt Stephen’s Day (Christmas Lessons)10:00  Choral Communion (Dutch liturgy/Eng sermon) Friday 27th DecemberSt John’s Day10:00  Holy Communion (said) Saturday 28th DecemberThe Innocents10:00 Holy Communion (said) Sunday 29th December10:30am Choral Solemn Communion Sunday 5th JanuaryThe Eve of the Epiphany (Celebrant: The Rev Guy…