
Alpha Course

We’re excited to announce a new Alpha course starting on 17th September, running every Tuesday through the autumn at Parsonage Hall, next to the church. Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith, designed for anyone curious about life, faith, and meaning. Each evening begins at 7pm with a meal, followed by a short film and open discussion. It’s a welcoming space for everyone, regardless of your faith experience or background, and all…

Zwolle 60th anniversary

Last Sunday we enjoyed a memorable celebration of 60 years of worship in Zwolle.  Close to 100 people gathered for a Choral Evensong accompanied by a combined choir of singers from both Zwolle and Utrecht. Afterwards a shared meal a was enjoyed by all, with the savoury dishes provided by Zwolle and the cakes by Utrecht. Below you can find an impression of this wonderful day.


From the Church of England Website Dust and Glory encourages us to take a fresh look at the frustrations and failings that every day brings, seek to learn from them and grow closer to God through them. An accompanying children’s version is also available to help children and their families explore how we can live well together, offering a simple daily activity designed to explore the weekly themes. The app is available to download now…

Prayer and Praise! This Sunday 22 January 5.00 pm

The first Prayer and Praise of the year!Starting with this service, we have extended worship, in depth engaging with the word and prayer for response. And of course, lots of music from our Worship Band.Theme: The Holy Trinity  You are very welcome to join us for worship! (And don’t forget we have a service in Dutch at 9.00 am and our regular Choral Communion at 10.30 am if you prefer!)

In Memorium Her Majesty Elizabeth II

It is with great regret that we heard of the news of the death of Her Majesty Elizabeth II. You are welcome to come to our church for a moment of reflection and prayer and to sign the book of condolences. However, the church is not open, so please contact Ruan Crew on 0619494913 to arrange a time for the church to be accessible. Last Sunday (11th September) prayers were said to commemorate the Queen’s…

Mieps Fontein 1931- 2021 RIP

Mieps passed away peacefully during the last days of last year. She will be familiar to many people who attended Holy Trinity over the last decades. Always in church on Sundays when she could be. She also participated in the Music and Flower Festival when that was still held, playing the piano. A lady of many talents. Mieps will be cremated tomorrow 6 January at a private ceremony. May she rest in peace and rise…

Bishop’s Advent Appeal

Bishop’s Advent Appeal for European Climate Disaster Relief 2021 Climate change is probably the biggest single issue facing humanity at present and into the future. When I speak to Anglican colleagues from around the world, I hear of its impacts in everything from threatened islands in Polynesia to desertification in sub-Saharan Africa. But this last summer, we have been forcibly reminded that climate change is a global phenomenon that visits our own doorstep in Europe:…

CIO Routekaart

Holy Trinity Church in Utrecht and Anglican Church Zwolle are following CIO guidelines during the pandemic. The Interkerkelijk Contact in Overheidszaken (CIO) is an organization of representatives of Churches in the Netherlands (including the Anglican Church in the Netherlands) that has met with the Dutch Government to agree on a safe way to conduct our worship during the corona pandemic. Last March they developed a Routekaart that recommends steps to take depending on the level…

Confirmation Preparation / Catechism Course

There will be 3 intensive sessions for us to go through the Catechism of the Book of Common Prayer on Thursdays the 8th, 15th, and 22nd July from 2-4pm at the Parsonage (van Hogendorpstraat 26).  We will take a break midway through each afternoon.  Four students have signed up so far. This is what will be covered: Thursday, July   8:  (1) Introductions & Intro to Confirmation/catechism; (2) What do we renounce as Christians? Thursday, July…