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New Wine Nederland Summer Conference 2017

 What do you have planned for this summer? We wanted to share with you about this year’s New Wine Netherlands Summer Conference. New Wine? New Wine is a church movement in which we encourage,inspire and equip each other to witness to the breaking in of God’s Kingdom, in the power of the Spirit. New Wine has its historical roots in the charismatic renewal within the Church of England and was established in 1989 by Bishop…

Fasting and Feasting in Lent

Why would we do this? We know what the garden looks like after a winter of silence – the ground is a little more compacted than last year, and perhaps the nutrients have been diminished from the previous year’s growth.  In the same way, if we are not changing our routine, or thinking about growth in the spiritual life consciously, we can become a little complacent, compacted and dry.  Lent can be a time to…

Heroes of the Faith: Saint Willibrord

“As a supplement to our year long focus on Anglicanism: A Gift in Christ we are consider- ing important figures in the history of Anglicanism and especially those who are inspiration to us in their lives given to mission. The Rev Grant Crowe, Chaplain in Amersfoort, has prepared these reflections on Heroes of the Faith.” ____________________________________________________ “Ardently missionary with a strong focus upon scripture and personal piety, the Celtic movement had a major impact on…

The Anglican Church in Zwolle – Its establishment and development over the years

This contribution is from John and Frances Murphy During the 1939-45 war many Dutch civilians and Servicemen crossed the North Sea to join the Allied Forces in Britain. Once there they joined the various branches of the Allied Services including The Princess Irene Brigade. Naturally many men formed relationships with British women and after the war ended these men brought their brides back with them to the Netherlands. It was obvious that many men moved back…

Chaplaincy article: Reconciliation

The chaplaincy article is written by the Rev Sam van Leer, Groningen chaplain. 2017 is a momentous year. Lots of referenda and elections have taken place and will do, and community, political and international relations seem under particular strain in these uncertain times. So the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in late January this year has had special poignancy, not least too because this year is the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s effective launching…

People at the Presentation of Christ: Anna

This devotional on Anna was written by the Rev Grant Crowe, Amersfoort Chaplain Painting by Ambrogio Lorenzetti – The Presentation in the Temple.Anna is the character on the far right of the painting. (c14th century) Epiphany comes to an end with the Presentation of Christ in the temple, (Febuary 2nd). The Gospel reading, for that festival, is from Luke 2:22-40, and usually we think of or focus upon the elderly Simeon holding the infant Jesus,…

Healing in His Wings!

This article has be sent in by Nicky de Bie who shares with us something of her journey over the past two years. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I would so like to share with you a miracle of healing which happened to me. Just two years I was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins (lymfeklierkanker) – it was the second week of June. I didn’t suspect I was ill until I noticed some hardened glands in…

Let all the world, in every corner sing!

These contributions are from Norman Ashfield, Director of Music, Temple Balsall and from Simon Urquhart about the visit of Holy Trinity Choir this past summer to Solihull England. It was a joy to welcome Henk and the choir to the West Midlands of England on 21st July. Some of the choir members came by ferry and car, and others flew in to Birmingham airport. The outline planning of this event began when several members of…

Outreach to Muslims – meeting with an Albanian church planter

This article has been written and submitted by Andrew Tucker from All Saints Amersfoort. On Friday 27th May, Grant Crowe, Bert and Henriette Meeuwsen, Henry and Anne Miechielsen and I met at the Meeuwsens’ house in Amersfoort w ith Edi Demo, an Albania n church planter. I first met Edi in 2005, when I travelled to Albania with my Italian-based sister Angela’s foster child Stiljano – an Albanian orphan who had landed as a refugee…