Monthly Choral Evensong at 17:00 (second Sunday of the month)
On the 2nd Sunday of the month (except for July and August) we come together for Choral Evensong, Evening Prayer sung by the Choir with organ accompaniment. Our Choir leads in the praises, singing the psalm, the Magnificat, the Nunc Dimittis and an anthem in settings from the finest English Choral tradition. The congregation joins in singing a number of hymns. There are two extended Bible readings and time for reflection. The service concludes with set prayers where we lift up the Church and world in intercession and thanksgiving. The service lasts about 50 minutes.
The service of Evening Prayer can be traced back to the Jews in the time of Jesus. From earliest times, Christians gathered at regular hours during each day and night to hear God’s word, and respond with praise and prayer. The services of Morning and Evening Prayer help Christians of our own day to take part in this.
O Lord, open thou our lips
And our mouth shall show forth thy praise!
Psalm 51:15