Choral Evensong for 900 years of Utrecht

900 years Utrecht, 900 years of church music

On Sunday, 9 October 2022, there will be a special edition of our monthly Choral Evensong at Holy Trinity Church at 17:00.

Since the 15th century there has been an English community in Utrecht, which had their church services in various churches around town. The relationship with Utrecht has always been strong over time. To commemorate the fact that Utrecht is celebrating it’s 900th birthday, a special programme has been planned by the choir of Holy Trinity with 9 centuries of sung church music.

This is the music that will be sung during the service:

Procession: O pastor animarum (Hildergard) – 12/13th cent plainsong

Introit: Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts (Purcell) – 17th century

Opening hymn: 487 Jesus, good above all other – 14th century

Psalm 47 (Fr. Elbers) – 21st century

Preces/responses In A (John Reading) –18th century

Office hymn 367: All glory be to God on high – 15th century

Canticles Murrill in E – 20th century

Anthem: Ave verum (W. Byrd) – 16th century

Closing hymn: 514 Lord, the church on earth is seeking – 19th century

The service and the hymns are in English.

Everyone is cordially invited to attend this special choral evensong. Not only church goers, but also music lovers or other interested people. Entrance is free.

O pastor animarum, St Hildergard original manuscript

Choral Evensong with 900 years of church music

Date: Sunday 9 October 2022 at 17:00.

Address: Holy Trinity Church, Van Limburg Stirumplein, 3581 VD Utrecht

For more information:


Tel. office: 06 285 529 53 (on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10:00 – 14:00 h.)