Christmas Services 2019

Services at Holy Trinity Utrecht:

( in English unless otherwise specified)

Sunday 22nd December
Advent IV
10:30 Choral Communion and Holy Baptism
20:00 Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols

2-Epiphany Tuesday 24th December        
16:00 Crib Service for families (English/Dutch)
23:00 Midnight Choral Communion (English)

Wednesday 25th December
10:30 Festal Choral Communion (English)

Thursday 26th December
St Stephen’s Day (Christmas Lessons)
10:00  Choral Communion (Dutch liturgy/Eng sermon)

Friday 27th December
St John’s Day
10:00  Holy Communion (said)

Saturday 28th December
The Innocents
10:00 Holy Communion (said)

Sunday 29th December
10:30am Choral Solemn Communion

Sunday 5th January
The Eve of the Epiphany (Celebrant: The Rev Guy Diakese)
10:30am All Age Worship – Holy Communion (English)