There will be 3 intensive sessions for us to go through the Catechism of the Book of Common Prayer on Thursdays the 8th, 15th, and 22nd July from 2-4pm at the Parsonage (van Hogendorpstraat 26). We will take a break midway through each afternoon. Four students have signed up so far.
This is what will be covered:
- Thursday, July 8: (1) Introductions & Intro to Confirmation/catechism; (2) What do we renounce as Christians?
- Thursday, July 15: (1) Who is God? (The Apostles’ Creed);
(2) What is it to follow God? (The Ten Commandments) - Thursday, July 22: (1) Why and how do we pray? (The Lord’s Prayer);
(2) The Sacraments and the Church.
The Catechism can be found on the Church of England’s website by clicking here or on pp. 289-296 of the Book of Common Prayer if you have a copy of the book.
I would recommend each person to have a look at the Catechism (at least up to the first 6 questions and answers) before we meet on Thursday. Please write down and bring with you all the questions that come to your mind as your read these Questions and Answers – the more questions the merrier!
A date for Confirmation has been set: Bishop Norman Banks, God willing, will be in Utrecht on Saturday 11 December to administer Confirmation to those who are interested. Prior to this Confirmation, the chaplain who is ministering in Utrecht at the time, will give final instructions about the service itself and what will be expected of you. I will endeavour to be at the Confirmation service.
For more information on Confirmation, please click here.
If you are interested, please let me know – call 06 124 104 31.
Blessings and thanks in Christ,