The Chaplaincy Electoral Roll was renewed in 2019 so this year only new members need to fill in forms. All church members are allowed to vote at the Annual Church Meeting, offer themselves for election to Council or various formal committees or as an officer, such as Churchwarden. 

It is also important for the Chaplaincy that we have accurate information. The number of members on the Electoral Roll influences the size of our Council, the number of representatives we have on Archdeaconry Synod or other bodies and our formal financial contribution to the Diocese. 

Click here to download the form.

All forms must be received by Saturday Oct 10th 2020. See also the Notice below.

The Electoral Roll Form will ask you for detailed information however only your name must be displayed on the Electoral Roll and any other contact information, such as address, phone number and e-mail address, will be kept only for direct use by our Chaplaincy. It will not be shared with any other party without your explicit permission. You may alter or withdraw the information we hold at any time. 

If you have any questions please contact: electoralroll@holytrinityutrecht.nl