On Sunday 9 June Holy Trinity will hold a Garden Party for our 111th birthday. You can join in various workshops, such as Painting and Balfolk Dance, and there are many activities for children, including a Treasure Hunt.
And do not worry, there will be plenty of refreshments and fortifying food, and a chance to indulge in one or more of the many cakes.
You can find a list of all the activities in the image below.
But there is more:
At the end of the afternoon our monthly Choral Evensong will start and it will also be special.
You will have the chance to sing along with the Psalm and with the Preces and Response in a two-part setting for men and women, specially written by Freek Elders, our director of music. You can download the setting by clicking here.
Listen to practice recordings here.
Click here for the four part setting of the Psalm.
And of course you can sing along with the hymns!
There will be an opportunity to practice with the choir before the service at 4.00 pm (and not 3.00 pm as previously stated!)
The Psalm setting will be in the service sheet and there will be a separate score with the Preces and Responses available in church.