As we read this newsletter we begin the month of April, part of the 50 days of Eastertide. On the fortieth day we celebrate our Lord’s ascension. And Luke tells us: in the 40 days prior to that ascension – “giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles … he [the Lord Jesus] showed himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive…and spoke about the kingdom of God.” (Acts 1).
The teaching of the kingdom formed the main focus of Jesus’ teaching before his passion. And Jesus inaugurated the kingdom – it drew
near – in his public ministry, life and death and resurrection. With his coming, the age to come invaded this present age. We, as Christians, live as members of his heavenly kingdom, awaiting the day when the divine kingdom is fully manifested when God’s will is done on earth as in heaven, when every knee will bow at Christ’s name and every tongue confess him as Lord (Phil 2).
What teachings did Jesus give in those days about the kingdom of God?
1) Jesus is the King. He has all authority over angels, demons, Satan, any rulers and
authorities in heavenly places. He has all authority on earth over kings, rulers, leaders and all people. (Matthew 28).
2) The good news of the kingdom is to shared with all – all to hear and all are invited. The kingdom has a global vision. (Luke 24, Acts 1, Matthew 28, Mark 16).
3) The King has disciples. We are not simply to teach others about the King, but to teach others to obey the words of the
King. “Christ’s followers must obey what they know and teach others to do the same.” (A. Scott Moreau). So we are challenged in each generation to teach the next generation to obey Jesus teachings.
4) Kingdom work is done in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. And we are to be expectant that supernatural signs may occur as
we seek to communicate the Kingdom. (Mark 16, Luke 24, Acts 1)
5) And the King is not absent – he works with his people, confirms his work (Mark 16) and he will always be present – Matthew 28. We do not do his work alone!
As servants of the Heavenly King, we are reminded in Eastertide and invited to be about the King of kings’ business.Í
In the love of Christ,