Latest News (Page 36)

Jewish Monument: Utrecht Remembers

Seventy years after the war there are plans to built a memorial to the 1,224 Jewish victims sent to the death camps from Utrecht. The plan for the monument is a bronze shofar (a horn) next to a memorial wall with the 1224 names of the deported and murdered Jews of Utrecht (see above). The artist chosen is Amiran Djanasvili. Churches and individuals have been given the opportunity to support this project – Holy Trinity Chaplaincy Council has recently approved a donation of €2,500 towards this…

Advent Bible Study

Advent is the time of preparing for Christ’s coming. Angels and persons involved burst out in singing! Will we be ready to sing Gods glory and speak prophetic words when Christ comes again? During Advent we will read, study and sing each Tuesday another song from the Bible related to Christ first coming. Let’s pray that we find a connection to our current circumstances and be prepared for His second coming, His coming again in…

Archdeaconry Synod 2014 Report

By Rosemarie Strengholt, Warden. The first weekend of October, a group of delegates from Holy Trinity Utrecht went to the Archdeaconry Synod. It was held at a place that used to be an Abbey, with a chapel, a church and some beautiful gardens. While the weather was beautiful, we were inside thinking about the different Anglican churches in the Benelux area. The meeting on the first day was about the Luweero twinning project. The idea…

Chaplain’s Letter October: Ballroom Dancing

Dear Friends in Christ, Last month I was asked by a ballroom dance club in Utrecht – USDV U Dance, to write an article on the virtues of dance for a publication in which they are asking representatives of different religions for their thoughts.  It seemed a little crazy for me to write about this, given that, when it comes to dancing, I have two left feet!  But here is part of the article I…