Holy Trinity regularly supports the Nijlvallei foundation through our charitable givings. Below is more information on this foundation and a download link for the Christmas Newsletter.
The Nile Valley Foundation (from now on: Nijlvallei) wants to help individuals and groups in Egypt in the development of their personal life and their social environment.We do this by supporting churches and Christian organizations in Egypt, especially in the fields of education, medical aid and socio-economic support.This can sometimes involve personnel help from our foundation, but it usually involves financial support for local projects.To be able to achieve these goals, Nijlvallei raises funds in the Netherlands and elsewhere.The emphasis is on maximizing the use of funds received in Egypt itself, and on minimizing the overhead.Our office costs in the Netherlands and Egypt are minimal.
The purpose of Nijlvallei is to improve the lives of individuals and communities in Egypt.This is mainly done through education and medical assistance for the poorest, and in collaboration with reliable local churches and Christian organizations.