When we talk about pastoral care we mean the spiritual care or guidance we offer to members of the congregation when they are facing a particular need or problem. This includes both long or short-term situations; concerns spiritual, emotional and physical challenges; and touches on areas such as healing, wholeness and reconciliation.
Informal pastoral care is constantly being given and received through the regular interactions that take place in the church community. In addition, however, the chaplain works with a team of lay pastoral assistants to provide a deeper level of support to those whose circumstances are more challenging. These lay pastoral assistants have been authorised and commissioned by the church community for this task, which includes listening, comforting, encouraging and praying with others. They are also authorised to take home communion to those in hospital or who cannot leave home.
Together with our chaplain Ruan, the three lay pastoral assistants are Harry Barrowclough, Daniëlle Los and Adriënne Strengholt. If you would like to talk about what pastoral care options are available to you or someone you care for, please approach Ruan (click here) who will help you further.