Shared service in St Gertrudis 19 January

As part of the week of prayer for Christian unity, we will not be holding a service at Holy Trinity, but instead are joining with our brothers and sisters from the Old Catholic parish in Utrecht for a shared service of Holy Communion. This will take place at the Gertrudiskathedraal, Willemsplantsoen 2 in Utrecht.

As Anglicans we are formally in communion with the Old Catholic Church. In practice this means that members of one tradition can participate in the sacraments of the other, recognizing the validity of each other’s ministry and sacramental life.
The choirs of Holy Trinity and St Gertrudis will join hands to support the worship in music.

On a practical note, St Getrudis is very close to Utrecht Central Station, so making it relatively easy to reach by public transport.  If you need to come by car, then there are various parking garages in the neighbourhoud, which are all paid parking.

For more information (in Dutch) on traveling to St Gertrudis by public transport or by car, click on the links.

10.30 am Sunday 19 January
Willemplantsoen 2 3511 LA Utrecht