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We are a diverse community with different church backgrounds, so we order our services in different ways, but all Sunday services are from Common Worship, the Church of England’s liturgical resource.
As a Church of England chaplaincy, we welcome all baptized persons
who are communicant members of other Churches
which subscribe to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity
and who are in good standing in their own Church
to receive the Sacrament.
– On the 1st Sunday of the month
- 9.00 Sung Eucharist in Dutch.
- 11.00 All Age Holy Communion. A Worship Band leads contemporary music. The sermon is a short talk with Dutch translation. After this monthly service you can join us after the service for coffee and then a bring-and-share lunch.
There is no All Age service in July or August.
– On the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays of the month
- 9.30 Sung Holy Communion with piano accompaniment and a few singers in support.
- 11.00 Choral Holy Communion, accompanied by the choir and organ.
– On the 2nd Sunday of the month
- 17.00 Choral Evensong. A beautiful traditional service. Most of this service is sung by the choir, but you can join in singing the hymns.
There is no Choral Evensong in January, July, August and December.
– On the 5th Sunday of the month
- 9.30 Solemn Eucharist with piano accompaniment, in the Anglo-Catholic tradition.
- 11.00 Choral Solemn Eucharist, with support from the organ and choir, in the Anglo-Catholic tradition.
Children’s Church
At 9.00 we offer a Creche and Children’s Church for all children, except when it is All Age Holy Communion. The teachers are bilingual. Your children are also very welcome to be in the service.
No creche and Sunday School during the summer months of July and August.

Quarterly Healing Service
Four times a year we offer a Healing Ministry during the Sunday 11.00 Holy Communion service (though a private visit by the chaplain is always possible on request). After the sermon, a special litany is said, followed by a period of silence, during which there is an opportunity to bring before God what is troubling you and to ask for His healing. After the litany any member of the congregation who would like to receive the ministry of anointing with oil for the sick and/or the laying on of hands will be invited to come to the altar rail. It is normally on the third Sunday of each quarter of the calendar year (March, June, September, December) – but check our calendar for precise dates (as we change it when it conflicts with a major feast day).
In addition to this Healing Service, on the third Sunday of every month, people have the opportunity to ask for a prayer team to pray for them privately after the 11.00 Sunday service.
Feasts and Festivals
In our worship services we follow the Church’s Year. This means the readings, prayers and hymns fit the season or the day. The year is structured in such a way as to lead the worshipper through the life of Christ and the Church.
Check our Calendar for precise times and dates of additional services.
O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness, let the whole earth stand in awe of him.
Psalm 96.9