Teen Group

Our Teen Group is all about community, learning, and living out our faith together. We’re here to build strong friendships, explore how our faith impacts our daily lives, and create a space where teens can ask questions and grow in their faith journey.

Activities: Join us for our fun-filled Youth Group Lunches! After the All Age church service, we head over to Ruan’s place for food, games, and conversations.

We also have engaging Youth Bible Studies during service time. Meet at Ruan’s place for interactive Bible study sessions where we discuss, question, and explore passages and themes from the Bible.

Upcoming Activities:

  • May 19 2024: Youth Bible Study
  • June 2 2024: Youth Group Lunch with Nathan & Dorien
  • June 16 2024: Youth Bible Study with Timon, Steve & Lieke

Whether you’re curious about faith or looking to connect with other young people of similar age, come join us! If you have any questions or want to get involved, feel free to reach out to Nathan (ndbunt@hotmail.com). We have a group chat for parents and youth, where we will keep you updated with all the upcoming activities.