A number of years ago a band was formed to lead some of the services at Holy Trinity, led originally by Maria van Oordt and Brian Fink-Jenssen. Currently we, Pieter and John are leading the band. We are lucky to have in our team two pianists, a guitarist, a bass player, a violinist and two singers. Over the years people have joined and left us, some of them international students; we are very thankful for all those who have contributed.
We lead two services each month (except during summer break). The first Sunday of the month is the All Age Worship service (at 10:30am) and the fourth Sunday of the month is the Praise & Prayer service (at 5pm). We rehearse once before each service (currently on Wednesday nights). Some of us play once a month, some of us normally do both services.
We long to do more than just make music and have fun together. We make music for the Lord, to praise Him and honour His name. Together we grow closer to Him by opening up our hearts to His Spirit. Music helps us opening up and speaking out the desires of our hearts. We long to support the congregation in doing so through leading the music.
If you would like to contribute to this by joining us, feel free to contact us. The church’s administrator can put you in touch with one of us.
Pieter and John
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!
Psalm 150:6